
Work Intake Management

The Problem

A large school district set up a system that allows educators to request new tech tools via a Google Form. The long list of old and new requests had extraneous data that was difficult to manage in a collaborative fashion. The technology review committee needed an easy way to visualize and update the current status of the requests as they made their way through various approval stages.

The Solution

The Kanban Review Board is a custom web app that uses the underlying Google Form spreadsheet as a data source. Relevant data points in each row of the sheet are visualized as cards that can be updated and dragged to the appropriate stage lane before being placed into one of the approval buckets.

Capacity Management Dashboard

The Problem

A boutique consulting company needed to accurately predict availability of staff and executive resources up to one year into the future. Traditional spreadsheet based methods proved cumbersome to set up and hard to maintain. The planning team needed a way to easily visualize capacity for upcoming and prospective projects to support engagement decisions.

The Solution

The Capacity Management Dashboard is a single pane of insight into 12 month consulting capacity across resources. The tool provides an easy way to maintain project information, combining Google calendar and sheets to manage and store data, ensuring that at-a-glance capacity projections are available in the dashboard at all times.

Contacts Sync Tool

The Problem

Staff at a small non-profit organization wanted to share a set of contact labels in order to pre-populate emails into the recipient field when composing a new email. Leveraging standard group management functionality did not satisfy the need because groups do not allow for ad-hoc editing of recipients. Existing Google Marketplace contact sharing apps allow peer-to-peer sharing of contacts and labels, but do not establish a single source of truth that can be maintained centrally.

The Solution

The Contact Sync Tool allows an administrator to maintain email group membership in a spreadsheet. The tool then creates contact labels for each user and adds contacts to the labels, so that when the user types the name of the label in an email, addresses pre-populate as expected. Users who want to leverage school wide email-contact groups can opt in to the sync via a web interface.

Progress Reporting Management

The Problem

A small k-8 school relies exclusively on qualitative progress reports to measure student progress throughout the year. Admin staff needed to dedicate many hours each reporting period in the creation and management of student documents, which placed an undue burden on scarce admin staff time.

The Solution

The Progress Reporting Tool uses Google Sheets and Docs as a back end data store to streamline and automate the creation and management of documents each reporting period. Through a web interface, a single school administrator can now complete tasks in just a couple of minutes that previously took multiple staff many hours.

Guest Checkout System

The Problem

The annual fundraising Benefit Dinner hosted by a small non-profit was plagued by an inefficient checkout process. Guests lined up while staff desperately tried to assemble results of auctions from bid sheets and manually create receipts. Producing final fundraising results was laborious and took days to complete.

The Solution

The Benefit Checkout tool is a Google Sheets Add-On that streamlines data entry and with a few clicks allows a single checkout staff to quickly lookup the total amount owed by a guest. Receipts can be generated on the spot and emailed with a click of the button.